For Investors Only

Looking for good soil to sow into? God has given me a vision that is far greater than anything I could ever accomplish on my own. It is exciting, but also humbling to know that there is no way that I can accomplish this without the complete surrender to and leading of the Holy Spirit and destiny connections like yourself to assist.

Can you imagine a church that leaves service unscripted and open to the move of the Holy Spirit, who intentionally trains up members in various skillsets, giftings and callings, all while serving those in need inside and outside of the building? An academy, worship, outreach, fellowship and so much more! Students nervously stepping out on faith practicing preaching for the first time or trying their hand at social media ministry; folks that haven't eaten in days being fed, families receiving a box of food, brothers and sisters in Christ receiving prayer and developing friendships in support groups, can you see it? Oh, How God desires the work to begin so that He may revel in the small beginnings. You could be a part of that!

I am honored to be chosen for such an assignment. I know that God has not just called me to this vision. I have a hunch that He has called you too.

We will be starting this venture from the ground up and depend on financial support from investors and donations in the form of material goods to fulfill this call. I am prayerfully looking for all those willing to provide knowledge, time or funding to aide in moving COV from vision to reality. Be a part of the work being manifested through the power of the Holy Spirit using willing vessels like yourself. 

I thank you for taking an interest in COV. Your time is valuable, and I appreciate you spending a few moments of it with me. Hope to hear from you soon. Looking forward to laboring with you in the Kingdom.

Very Respectfully, 


Lean start-up business plan

Investors Only Docx
Word – 48.7 KB 7 downloads

 Professional prints coming shortly.

Word – 174.4 KB 10 downloads

Get to know me...

Cover Letter October 24 Investors Docx
Word – 28.7 KB 10 downloads
Resume October 24 Docx
Word – 29.3 KB 10 downloads