Ms. Jennifer Lacey Anderson, M.Div.

Jennifer Anderson is a devoted servant of the Lord, veteran, life coach, published author, Bible enthusiast and public speaker whose passion is to help women break through familiar, limiting God perspectives. Come as you are, but leave hungry, equipped, and driven to seek Him in new and fresh ways. 


My name is Jennifer Anderson. I am a retired military Seabee. I received my Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in March 2022. A former health and fitness enthusiasts, I have run two marathons all by the grace of God. I have traveled the world and have had the great opportunity to experience a variety of cultures and develop relationships with people around the world. I have a non-profit- SOLO- Serving Our Loved Ones where our intention is going out into the recess of our cities and ministering through love, prayer and the provision of resources to the homeless who will not go to a church building. I have volunteered at homeless shelters and completed a 9-month apprenticeship in outreach serving those in need. I have a 22-year-old son and 20-year-old daughter whom I love dearly. With all the roles I have been in and am currently in, my greatest role is, by the grace of God, out of my love for Him- a prisoner of Jesus Christ.

I have done so much in my lifetime. I have been saved for 8 years and my journey with Christ has been unique. I asked God why He waited so long to save me, and He said, “I wanted you to exhaust all of life, because one day, I knew I'd ask you for it all”. Now I am God’s. I wake up by his leading, follow his leading throughout my day and go to sleep by His instruction. By His grace, I do my best to seek and follow the very steps He lays before Me.

The demands of life

I know all too well what it is like trying to meet the demands of family and loved ones, maintain and progress in a career, seek higher education, continuing self-care, seeking and growing deeper in intimacy with God all while pursuing the great and unimaginable purpose God has for you in ministry serving others. It takes absolute surrender and a clinging to Jesus to do so.

Moving in Ministry

Having such a strong call to serve God in my life and a fiery passion to do so all to glorify Him, I know what it’s like to determine a starting point. What will you do, who will allow you to do it, where will you do it and who will mentor you are all questions that can overwhelm us, and after a while, may fatigue and exhaust us as we navigate that terrain. I have had my share of my own start- up nonprofit, social media ministry, writing books, volunteering, looking for a space in a church to serve, being led by men and women to fill needs but not the call, feeling the need to perform for a show to please others instead of allowing the full expression of God through me to manifest. I know the rigors of this landscape all too well.


I have personally experienced homelessness and understand the unique needs of the homeless community. There are many who need resources, companionship, guidance and support. The issue of homelessness is multi-layered and complex. No two people without housing are alike. Doctors, those seeking and enrolled in higher education, business owners, fathers and mothers, grandparents, addicted persons, mentally ill, hardworking, free-spirited individuals who lost their homes for a variety of reasons make up this community. I know how important it is for each person not to stereotyped and treated with dignity and respect.

My vision is to create a church community that not only fosters spiritual growth and development by deepening your intimacy with Christ, unveiling your true identity and helping you to walk in it and equipping you to fulfill the call on your life but also to be a church that serves the least of these, provides resources for those in need and to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ as more than just congregants but family. We want to be the church at work letting our light shine bright for ALL men and women to see.

My prayer is that you invite COV to walk along side of you, as you walk with Christ for the season of your life God permits. We want to develop a relationship with you and observe not where we think you should go but where God is leading you, help you courageously pursue and develop in that area and ultimately help you find place in the body of Christ. I look forward to serving side by side in the Kingdom with you.

With love,

Jennifer Anderson